Budget in Israel: Families | Nefesh B’Nefesh

Here you will find the sample budget for a family of Olim planning their first year in Israel.  This resource allows you to approximate the main monthly expenses you will encounter after making Aliyah.

  • This spreadsheet is for cash out only, and does not reflect income or savings.
  • All furniture, appliances and clothing are shipped from overseas.
  • All sums are in Israeli shekels.
  • For the purposes of this budget, the family size represented here is 2 adults and 4 children.


Expense: Cost: Notes:
Rent 3,700-6,290 NIS
Transportation by Car 1,800-3,500 NIS Includes maintenance, registration and gas. (Public transportation costs up to 740 NIS.)
Education 740-3,330 NIS
Tutoring 0-925 NIS
Childcare 740-2,220 NIS
Food 2,400-5,000 NIS
Phone/Cell/Internet 600-1,500 NIS
Utilities 925-1,500 NIS
Health Insurance
(Supplemental Coverage)
0-740 NIS Reflects cost of supplemental coverage not included in the basic package. Basic coverage is free for the first six months, and can continue to be free for up to 12 months if you’re still not working.
Other Insurance
& Medical Costs
650-1,200 NIS Includes life, home, property and auto insurance as well as dental and optical care.
After School Activities 350-1,000 NIS
Entertainment 250-1,110 Includes TV license and cable; and an occasional movie, babysitter, family trip and eating out in restaurants.
Arnona (Municipal Taxes) 40-370 NIS Reflecting the 90% discount received by new Olim during the first year.
TOTAL 12,195-28,655 NIS


Expense: Cost: Notes:
House Setup 3,700-5,500 NIS Includes furniture assembly, electrician and plumber.
Release of Shipment 3,700-5,500 NIS Depends on the size of the crate.
Car 55,500-160,000 May be financed. Sum represents initial cost but does not include cost per year for car insurance, repairs and gas. Gas costs 300-400 NIS to fill up a mid-sized car.


Savings Plan
Charitable Contributions
Mas Hachnasa (Income Tax)
Credit Cards
This chart should be used as an estimate only

For more information on balancing your family’s lifestyle on an Israeli budget, see Baruch Labinsky’s online Financial Planning Seminar: